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Jayanthi Viswanathan

Personal Profile


"I'm just not good at Maths...I just don't understand it!"

I have a confession to make. 

Up until Year 10, I would never have claimed to have been "good at Maths". In hindsight, I don't think I put in a whole lot of effort. And I'm fairly certain I didn't really care. It was just a bunch of stupid formulas that didn't make any sense and its sole purpose was to be an instrument of torture that our hapless teachers inflicted on us.

And then...something clicked. I don't remember the exact moment this happened, but once it did, the veil of mystery lifted, concepts began to fall in place, connections were formed...and Maths started to make sense.

Fast forward to now. I have been teaching in New South Wales for over thirty years. Government and independent, co-ed and single sex, urban and rural, comprehensive and academically selective - that's a broad spectrum of classroom experience. 

Here's what I know.

Negative attitudes to Maths have two root causes:

  1. gaps in fundamental concepts...these can get bigger and bigger over the years if they are not identified and dealt with.

  2. boredom...which can set in when the pace of work in class is either too fast or too slow to hold your interest. 

My goal with this site is to address both of these issues:​

  1. remedial units to target those gaps in concepts that, even though they can snowball into much larger issues, are easy to fix once they are identified.

  2. extension and enrichment units to stimulate your curiosity.

Success in Mathematics is about working smarter. It's about understanding, not memorising. It's about practice. It's about being organised.


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